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SISC News reports on institutional activities and events, training and job opportunities, publications and information relevant for climate sciences We need your help! SISC members are invited and encouraged to submit announcements for the SISC News, the website, and social media networks by sending an email to
![]() COP26 Riflessioni dalla nostra delegazione Un gruppo di sette persone ha partecipato (in remoto di persona) alla delegazione SISC alla COP26, che si è tenuta le scorse due settimane a Glasgow: Paolo FAIOLA (Capo delegazione), Elena BIANCO, Lodovica CATTANI, Marinella DAVIDE, Mahmoud HASSAN, Rosaria Erika PILECI, Vladislav MALASHEVSKYY. Leggi i commenti a caldo e il racconto delle esperienze di Paolo, Marinella, Rosaria e Vladi.
![]() SISC New Statute The General Assembly of Members hold on 29 October 2021 approved to change the statute in order to comply with the Italian regulation of the Third Sector – Italian Legislative Decree 117/2017.
G20 Climate Risk Atlas: Impacts, policy, economics The Climate Risk Altas are now available: 20 countries, 11 factsheets, for a comprehensive picture of the historical trends and future changes in climate. The factsheets, designed with a mix of infographics, maps, and short descriptions, shed light on the risks faced by each country, using a clear and functional structure, with novel communication of climate risks at different levels and for different audiences.
![]() Disponibili i risultati di "Se non lo sai, SALLO!" I risultati di “Se non lo sai, SALLO! Tutto quello che avreSte voluto sApere suL cambiamento cLimaticO* (*ma non avete mai osato chiedere)” sono ora disponibili sul sito di ENEA.
![]() Information session on the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change Last September, the EU launched a Mission to foster Europe’s resilience to climate change at individual, city and regional level, in both the public and private sector. The Mission Adaptation to Climate Change will help prepare for unavoidable climate impacts and accelerate Europe’s transformation into a climate-resilient continent. Rooted in research and innovation, the mission has set concrete objectives for a common effort and will deliver tangible solutions for Europeans. The aim is to support at least 150 European regions and communities to move towards climate resilience by 2030. To achieve this, we will help regions better understand, prepare for and manage their climate risks and opportunities, support innovative climate resilience solutions and help them source additional investments. On 23 November, from 14:30 – 16:00, Clara de la Torre, Mission Manager, will be joined by John Bell (Deputy Mission Manager) and Dirk Beckers (Director of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency CINEA) to present the concept and implementation mechanisms of the Mission, and explain how the regions can engage in the process. This will be followed by a Questions and Answers session via SLI.DO.
![]() CALL FOR PAPERS As it becomes more and more unlikely to limit global warming to 2°C or less, as agreed in the Paris Agreement, the importance of adaptation and the challenges associated with selecting cost-effective and suitable adaptation options are coming to the fore. Further, recent events such as heatwaves, flooding and forest fires indicate that adaption to climate change is more urgent worldwide than previously thought. Adaptation requires trade-offs from those affected and involves many stakeholders, i.e., a broad variety of public and private institutions. Choosing specific adaptation measures or strategies goes hand in hand with sacrificing other objectives. This special issue has two objectives: On the one hand, we seek methodological contributions to choice modelling that present innovative applications in the field of climate change adaptation. On the other hand, we target case studies – employing, for example, revealed or stated preference data or using Big Data – to demonstrate how the results of choice modelling can inform decision-making about the trade-offs societies will face in the future. As climate change affects all spheres of society, contributions from all areas – agriculture, environment, energy, health, infrastructure, tourism, or transportation, to name but a few - are welcome. Moreover, applications concerned with migration or social adaptation processes such as adaptation to heat stress by shifting working hours or the recent trend towards working from home, are also of interest if they are related to climate change adaptation.
![]() Stato e trend del clima in Italia Disponibili le presentazioni del webinar organizzato da ISPRA il 10 Novembre scorso, in cui sono stati illustrati i risultati dell’ultimo rapporto “Gli indicatori del clima in Italia”, giunto nel 2021 alla XVI edizione.
Pavanello, F, E. De Cian, M. Davide, M. Mistry, T. Cruz, P. Bezerra, D. Jagu, S. Renner, R. Schaeffer and A.F.P. Lucena (2021) Air-conditioning and the adaptation cooling deficit in emerging economies Nature Communications, volume 12, Article number: 6460 (2021) → Open Access
Assistant Professor (Postdoctoral Fellow) in Economics - Climate Change Risk and International Cooperation University of Oslo (Norway) Deadline for sending application: 30 Dec 2021 Fellowship Governance of the interconnected and remote climate-related risks in the EU/Africa-Caribbean-Pacific Partnership countries Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy) Deadline for sending application: 7 Dec 2021 PhD Research Fellowship within Climate Economics The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway Deadline for sending application: 10 Dec 2021 PhD Student in Predictability of Climate Extremes incl. Machine Learning Uppsala University, Sweden Deadline for sending application: 24 Nov 2021 Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate Economics The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway Deadline for sending application: 10 Dec 2021 Tenure-track Position in Environmental and Natural Resources Education (Assistant or Associate Professor) The Ohio State University, USA
17 November 2021, online - CONFERENCE COACCH Final Conference 17 November 2021, online - h. 15.00-16.00 (CET) - WEBINAR The Economic Cost of Climate Change 18-20 November 2021, Rovereto (TN) - FESTIVAL Festival Meteorologia → Free of charge 19 November 2021, online - h. 10.00 CDT (h 16.00 CET) - WEBINAR The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture: A General Equilibrium Perspective on Supply-Side Approaches 23 November 2021, online, h. 10.00-12.00 - WEBINAR Dopo COP26. Scienza, sfide e prospettive per il monitoraggio dei gas a effetto serra 23 November 2021, online, h. 14.30-16.00 (CET) - WEBINAR Information session on the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change 25 November and 2 December 2021, online - WORKSHOP Aerosol optical properties workshop → Free of charge, open to non IAS member 29 November - 3 December 2021, online - CONFERENCE IAMC 14th Annual Meeting 29-30 November 2021, online - CONFERENCE 7th Annual Conference on the Economic Assessment of European Climate Policies 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA (USA) & Online - CONFERENCE AGU Fall Meeting 2021 14-18 February 2022, Milan (Italy) - CONFERENCE 28 June - 1 July 2022, Rimini (Italy) - CONFERENCE
Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima (SISC) Via della Libertà 12, 30175 Venezia - Italia |